Bottle Shots that make you thirsty!

Shooting a new series of images for a new Brand to the Ontario market is an awesome experience, we were able to really put forth the effort into defining the brand, developing human like characteristics and inflecting those values onto the product using light and shadows.

With the POWER brand we felt the beer needed a strong dominant bottle shot with elements of athleticism, strength and a strong sense of identity. We channelled images of athletes figure with the strong reflections on the shoulder of the bottle and we cut the lower half of the reflection to V-shape the bottle.

The water droplets are many different sizes as we wanted to not only show a refreshing temperature but visually expand on the condensation so it looks refreshing , ice cold and very drinkable.

Call us for a quote on your next product or bottle shoot and let us show you what we can do for your brands identity. All images shot at Revprint Studio 205 in Toronto

All these images of beer are making me thirsty today, I think I will make a stop at the local beer store on my way home from the studio this long weekend!
